What is the SMASH Pamphlet?

The SMASH pamphlet is a curated online go-to mental health resource guide for Ryerson students by Ryerson Students. It is a compilation of just about every free mental health resource available to Ryerson Students either provided by Ryerson itself or by community centers and government programs throughout the GTA.

How is it Organized?

There are 3 broad categories of resources available for use: On-Campus (i.e. Ryerson-based), Off-Campus, and Helplines (Both on Campus and Off-Campus).

Navigating On-Campus Resources

The On-campus resources are organized according to concerns that the resource addresses which include.

To look for resources that address a particular concern(s), click on the heading "Concern/Category":

Click on "Add Filter"

Click on "Add Filter" again...

And then "Add Filter Group"